When thinking about safe investing, even if it is only a bank account, you have to be aware of fraud. Phishing is a form of fraud where criminals attempt to access your confidential information. This is done either by an email request for information or by luring you to a fake website.
Golden rules for safe investment:
Never access the site via a link. Rather type the address into the browser address bar or save the address as a 'Favourite'.
If you suspect that your confidential information has been compromised, please do not hesitate to contact your service provider, eg your bank
Protect your email
Any email is at risk of being intercepted, and you should never send sensitive information (passwords, etc) via email.
Tips to staying safe:
- Do not provide your email address to third party websites, without understanding how your email address will be used.
- Never send sensitive information via email.
- Avoid opening unidentified email messages with attachments, even if they profess safe investing.
Hey nice post man! Thanks for incredible info. Businessman